| List of Cruise Ports
(The sites listed in this links page are choosen by Cybercruises, reviewed costantly, updated and can also be removed from the list in the sole discretion of Cybercruises)
Organizations, Associations, Tourism Authorities, Cruise Initiative, Cruise and Passenger Terminals, Private islands (Official sites) Alabama Cruise Terminal - Mobile Alanya Cruise Port Amber Cove (Puerto Plata, Dominica Republic) American Association of Port Authorities Amsterdam Cruise Port (ACP) Andalucia Cruise Destination Antigua Cruise Port Project (St Johns Cruise Port by Global Ports Holding) Antigua Pier Group (APG - Cruise Antigua and Barbuda) Aqaba Cruise Ship Terminal (Jordan) Aruba Cruise Tourism ASEAN Ports Association Malaysia (MAPA) Asia Cruise Terminal Association (ACTA) Atlantic Alliance (Ports on Europe's West Coast) Atlantic Canada Cruise Association - ACCA (Cruise Atlantic Canada) Atlantic Vigo Cruise Terminal (Spain) Australian Cruise Association (Ex CDU) Baie-Comeau Cruises (Canada) Banana Coast (Honduras' first mainland cruise port scheduled to open in the town of Trujillo) Barcelona Cruise Port Royal Beach Club at Paradise Island (The Bahamas, Royal Caribbean Group) Black Sea Cruises Bodrum Cruise Port (Turkey) Bothnia Cruise Ports (Gulf of Bothnia marketing project) Brasilcruise.com.br (Ports in Brazil) Brisbane Cruise Terminal at Portside Wharf Brooklyn Cruise Guide (New York) Cagliari Cruise Port Cape Liberty Cruise Port in Bayonne (New Jersey) Capital Cruising (A union of cruise terminals in UK) Catania Cruise Terminal / Port Celebration Key (Port destination for Carnival Cruise Line, The Bahamas) Celtic Cruise (Ports of Brest, Cork, Douglas, Dublin, Falmouth, Greenock, Holyhead, La Coruña, Londonderry, Stornoway) Cherbourg Cruise (France) Club Croisière Corsica Columbus Cruise Center (Bremerhaven - Wismar) Corsica Cruise Club Club Croisière Corsica Costa Brava Cruise Ports (Ports of Palamós and Roses, Spain) Cruceros Malaga (Cruise Terminals in the Port of Malaga, Spain) Cruise and Passenger Services Ltd (CPS) (The UK's leading supplier of services to the cruise industry) Cruise ASEAN (ASEAN Cruise Working Group) Cruise Atlantic (Iceland, Greenland and The Faroes) Cruise Atlantic Europe Cruise Baltic Cruise BC - British Columbia Cruise Belfast Cruise Bordeaux (France) Cruise Britain Cruise Canada New England Cruise City (For cruise tourists in Copenhagen) Cruise Copenhagen Network Cruise Devonport (Tasmania, Australia) Cruise Eden (Port of Eden, Sapphire Coast, Australia) Cruise Europe (More than 70 member ports in Europe) Cruise Finland Cruise Fredericia (Denmark) Cruise Friendly - Var Provence Cruise Club Cruise Gate Hamburg (The operating company for the city's three terminals) Cruise Gateway (Growth of cruise shipping in the North Sea Region) Cruise Glasgow Cruise Haifa (Israel) Cruise Halifax (Canada) Cruise Hardangerfjord (Norway) CruiseHavana.com (An online information guide to Cuban cruising) Cruise Iceland Cruise Ireland Cruise Isle Of Man Cruise Jamaica (The Port Authority of Jamaica) Cruise Kalmar Network Cruise Kalundborg (Denmark) Cruise LA (Port of LA in San Pedro) Cruise Le Havre (France) CruiseMaine Cruise Maryland - Port of Baltimore Cruise Montego Bay Cruise Nanaimo (Nanaimo Port Authority, Canada) Cruise Newfoundland and Labrador Cruise Norfolk Cruise North West (Partnership between Derry City Council and Londonderry Port) Cruise Northern Norway & Svalbard (CNNS) (A network of 12 cruise destinations and one hotel chain) Cruise Norway Cruise Norway & Cruise Baltic (Itinerary Planner) Cruise Ogden Point (Victoria, BC, Canada) Cruiseport Gloucester (Mass., USA) Cruise Orkney (Scotland) Cruise Port Amsterdam Cruise Port Guide of Japan (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Ports and Harbours Bureau) Cruise Port IJmuiden (The Nederlands) Cruise Portland, Maine Cruise Port Rotterdam Cruise Saint John (Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada) Cruise Santander (Spain) Cruise Saudi (Saudi Arabia) Cruise Scotland Cruise Seattle Cruise Skagen (Denmark) Cruise Særlandet (Cruise Southern Norway) Cruise Southampton Cruise Terminals of America (Seattle) Cruise the Great Lakes Cruise the West (11 West Coast ports in USA) Cruise the St. Lawrence Cruise Wales (Welsh ports of Cardiff, Swansea, Milford Haven, Fishguard and Holyhead) Cruising Down Under (Now Australian Cruise Association) Cruises Atlantic Islands (Cruises in Madeira, Cabo Verde & Canary Islands) Delta Ebre Port (Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Spain) Destination Southwest (Cornwall, Devon & Isles of Scilly) Dubai Cruise Terminal Dubai Harbour Dutch Delta Cruise Port European Edge (Ports, destinations and excursions that are outside the ECA) European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) Felison Terminal (Amsterdam IJmuiden) Flåm Cruise (Norway) Flynn Cruiseport Boston Freestay Caribbean (A program to encourage cruise ship passengers to return to the islands for a land-based vacation9 French Atlantic Cruise Ports of Call (St. Malo, Nantes, Bordeaux, Bayonne, St Jean de Luz.......) FRCC - French Riviera Cruise Club Fredrikstad Cruise Port (Norway) Galataport Istanbul Geirangerfjord Cruise Port (Norway, Stranda Port Authority) Global Ports Holding (GPH) (Cruise port operator, Mediterranean Sea and Singapore) Gloucester Marine Terminal Goulette Shipping Cruise (Village touristique La Goulette, Tunisie) Grand Turk Cruise Center Great Lakes Cruise Association (Former Great Lakes Cruising Coalition. A joint American-Canadian cooperative venture involving Great Lakes ports, towns, regions and The St.Lawrence Seaway) Greek Cruise (Cluster portal by Greek cruise's port members) Hamburg Cruise Net Harlingen (Cruise port Harlingen, The Nederlands) Haven Cruise (The five Haven ports of Felixstowe, Harwich International, Harwich Navyard, Ipswich and Mistley) Icy Strait Point (Alaska ) Kai Tak Cruise Terminal (Worldwide Cruise Terminals, Hong Kong) Klawock - Port Klawock (Alaska's Newest Cruise Destination) Kusadasi Cruise Port (Turkey) La Romana Tourist Ports (La Romana, Dominican Republic) Lighthouse Point by Disney Cruise Line (Eleuthera, The Bahamas) Limassol Cruise Terminal (Cyprus) Lisbon Cruise Port Liverpool Cruise Terminal Lübeck-Travemünde Cruise Mahogany Bay (Roatan, Honduras) MalagaPort (Association to promote the port) Malta Cruise Network Mariehamn (Port of Mariehamn, Åland Tourism Board) Marmaris Cruise Port (Turkey) Marina Bay Cruise Centre Singapore (MBCCS Singapore) Marine Facade (St. Petersburg's Vasilievsky Island project) Marseille Provence - Cruise Club Martinique Cruise - The French Port of Call in the Caribbean MedCruise (The Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports) MedCruise (Chinese website) MedCruise - Online Community MED Ports Association Montréal (Cruises - Tourisme Montréal) Naples Cruise Terminal Nassau Cruise Port NYCruise - New York City Cruise Terminals (Manhattan and Brooklyn) New York Cruise Ship Alliance (NYCSA) New Zealand Cruise Association Norfolk - Half Moone Cruise & Celebration Center North Carolina Ports (North Carolina State Ports Authority) Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve Bahamas Oslo Cruise Network Pacific Cruise Ship Terminals (Port of Los Angeles' World Cruise Center) Port of Crotone Port of Prince Rupert Cruise Handbook (British Columbia) Port-Vendres/Côte Vermeille Cruise Club (France) Publiport (Mexico, Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta) Queensland Government: Cruise Shipping and Harbour Infrastructure Projects (Australia) Ravenna Cruise Civitas Port - RCCP Ravenna Cruise Port Ravenna Terminal Passeggeri Resorts World Bimini (The Bahamas) Riviera Ports (Cannes, Nice, Villefranche and Golfe-Juan, all in France) Roma Cruise Terminal (Port of Civitavecchia) Rostock - Warnemünde Cruiseports Royal Beach Club Paradise Island (By Royal Caribbean International, The Bahamas) Passenger Terminal Amsterdam (January 2022: renamed Cruise Port Amsterdam) San Diego Cruise Port Sansouci Ports S.A (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) San Juan Cruise Port (SJCP) (San Juan, Puerto Rico) Seawalk Nordfjord (The SeaWalk Port of Nordfjordeid, Norway) SEPM (Société d'Exploitation des Ports de Monaco) Séte Cruise Club (Port of Séte, France) Skjolden-Sognefjord Cruise Destination Small City Cruises (Norwegian city ports of Mandal, Farsund and Flekkefjord) Singapore Cruise Center Singapore Cruise Society Solent Stevedores (Port terminal operator, UK, Channel Islands, and Singapore) Southern Cone Ports Corporation (The ports of Chile or port companies of Chile, that receive cruise ships) Stockholm Cruise Network Sugar Point (Bridgetown, Barbados) SurCruise (Association of South American Cruise Ports) St. Petersburg (Passenger port of St. Petersburg "Marine Façade", Russia) Sydney (Sydney Ports Corporations, Nova Scotia) Tahiti Cruise Club Taino Bay (Port of Taino Bay, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic) Taranto Cruise Port Tarragona Cruise Port Costa Daurada (Spain) The Channel Cruise Group The Valletta Waterfront (Valletta Cruise Port) The West Indian Company - WICO (US Virgin Islands) Tortola Pier Park (Tortola, British Virgin Islands) Trieste Terminal Passeggeri Turku Cruise Port Valparaiso Passenger Terminal - VTP (Chile) Var Provence Cruise Club (Provence and French Riviera) Venice Cruise Terminal Victoria Cruise Industry Alliance - VCIA (Victoria BC, Canada) Visit Greenland VisitGuernsey - St. Peter Port Warnemünde Cruiseport West Indian Company Limited (St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands) Zeeland Cruise Port (Holland)
Ports, Port Authorities Aalborg Aaqba (The Corporation of Aaqba Port) Aarhus Aberdeen Harbour ABP (Associated British Ports) ABP South Wales Ports Abu Dhabi Ports (AD Ports Group, ports and terminals in the UAE) Ahus Abu Dhabi Ports Açores (Portos dos Açores, Azores Islands, Portugal) Adria (Port of Adria, Montenegro) A&P Falmouth (Cruise ship facilities UK) AD Ports Group (Abu Dhabi) Akureyri (Port of Akureyri, Iceland) Agunsa Group (Chilean terminal operator) Alabama State Port Authority Alaska - Port of Alaska in Anchorage Albany Porth Authority (Australia) Alexandria Port Authority (Egypt) Alicante (Port of Alicante) Altamira (Puerto de Altamira, Mexico) Ancona Port Authority Andalusia (Ports of Andalusia, Spain) Antigua & Barbuda Port Authority Antigua & Barbuda Port Authority Antwerp-Bruges (Port of Antwerp-Bruges) Aruba Ports Authority Ashdod Port Associated Danish Ports - ADP (Commercial ports in Fredericia, Nyborg and Middelfart) Associated Icelandic Ports ASYAD (Asyad Group is Oman's global integrated logistics provider) Astoria (Port of Astoria, Oregon) Auckland (Ports of Auckland) Aurland Harbour Authority (Flåm, Norway) Australia Ports (Association of Australian Ports and Marine Authorities) Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale (Ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara) Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale (Livorno, Piombino, Portoferraio, Rio Marina, Cavo e Capraia Isola) Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Meridionale (Ports of Bari, Brindisi, Manfredonia, Barletta and Monopoli) Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana (Apordom) (Dominican Republic, Port Authority) Bahrain (General Organisation of Sea Ports) Balears ports de (Port Authority of the Balearic Islands) Baltimore (The port of Baltimore - Maryland Port Administration) Bangor Bantry Bay (Port of Bantry Bay County Cork, Ireland) Barbados Port Authority Barcelona (Port de Barcelona) Bari (Bari Port Authority) Barrow Bastia (Port of Bastia, Corsica, France) Belfast (Port of Belfast ) Bellingham (Port of Bellingham) Bergen (Port of) Bilbao (Port of Bilbao) Bodø (Port of Bodø, Norway) Bordeaux Port Atlantique Bremen Bremerhaven Brest (Port of Brest, France) Brisbane (Port of Brisbane) Bristol (The Bristol Port Company, UK) British Virgin Islands (The British Virgin Islands Ports Authority) Brunei (Gov. Brunei Ports Dpt.) Bunbury Port Authority (Australia) Burgas (Port of Burgas, Bulgaria) Burnie Port Corporation (Tasmania, Australia) Busan Port Authority Cádiz (Puerto de la Bahía de Cádiz) Cagliari (Port Authority) Cayman Islands Port Authority Canaveral (Canaveral Port Authority) Carrara (Port Authority of Carrara, Italy) Cardiff Cartagena (Sociedad Portuaria, Colombia) Cartagena (Autoridad Portuaria, Spain) Castellón (Autoridad Portuaria de Castellón, Spain) Catalunya Ports (Spain) CentrePort Wellington (Wellington, New Zealand) Ceuta (Port Authority) Charleston (South Carolina Ports) Charlottetown (Port Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada) Cherbourg (Port of Cherbourg) Chiapas (Puerto Chiapas, Mexico) Clarkston (The Port of Clarkston, Lewis-Clark Valley, WA) Colborne (Port Colborne, Canada) Constantza (Constantza Port, Romania) Copenhagen Copenhagen Malmö Port Corfu (Port of Corfu, Greece) Corner Brook Port Corporation (Port of Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador) Cork (Port of Cork) Corpus Christi (Port of) Coruña (Port of A Coruña - Spain) Costa Maya (Puerto) Cromarty (Cromarty Firth Port Authority) Curacao Ports Authority Cyprus Ports Authority Dart Harbour Authority (Devon, UK) Darwin Port Corporation (Australia) Deseado (Puerto Deseado, Argentina) Detroit / Wayne County Port Authority Dominica Air & Sea Ports Authority Dover (Port of Dover) DP World Limassol (Cyprus) Duluth Seaway Port Authority (Minnesota, USA) Dublin (Dublin Port Company) Dubrovnik Port Authority Dubrovnik County Port Authority Dun Laoghaire (Dún Laoghaire Harbour Company) Durres Port Authority (Albania) Eden (Port of Eden - Australia) Enapor (Portos de Cabo Verde) EPA - Austral Port Authority (Punta Arenas, Chile) Esbjerg (Port of Esbjerg, Denmark) Everglades (Port) Falmouth Harbour Commission Felixstowe (Port of Felixstowe, UK) Finnish Port Association (Ports in Finland) Figueira da Foz (PFdF) (Port of Figueira da Foz, Portugal) Flåm (Port of Flåm, Norway) Foyle Port (Londonderry Port & Harbour Commissioners, Northern Ireland) Forth Ports Limited (Tilbury - London, Grangemouth, Leith - Edinburgh, Dundee, Rosyth, Fife Ports) Frederikshavn Fremantle Ports FSUE Rosmorport (Russian state owned port operator) Galveston (Port of Galveston, Texas) Galway Harbour Company (Ireland) Gdansk (Port of Gdansk Authority, Poland) Gdynia (Port of Gdynia Authority, Poland) Genoa (Stazione Marittima Porto Genova - Port of Genoa) Ghent (Port of Ghent) Gibraltar (Gibraltar Port Authority) Gioia Tauro (Port Authority of Gioia Tauro, Italy) Gothenburg (Port of Gothenburg, Sweden) Göteborg (The Port of Göteborg) Grand Bahama Port Authority Guadeloupe (Port Autonome de la Guadeloupe) Guam (Port Authority of Guam) Guaymas (Administracion Portuaria Integral de Guaymas) Gulfport (Mississippi State Port Authority at Gulfport) Hakata Port (Fukuoka City, Japan) Hakata Port International Terminal (Japan) Hái Phóng (Viet Nam) Haifa (Haifa Port, Israel) Halibut Point Marine Services (Sitka, Alaska, cruise terminal) Halifax (Port Authority) Halmstad Ha Long International Cruise Port (Vietnam) HaminaKotka (Port of HaminaKotka, Finland) Hamburg (Port of Hamburg) Haropa - Ports de Paris Seine Normandie Harstad Havn KF (Norway) Harwich (Port of Harwich) Haven Gateway Partnership (The five Haven ports of Felixstowe, Harwich International, Harwich Navyard, Ipswich and Mistley) Helgeland Havn IKS (Norway) Helsingborg (Port of Helsingborg, Sweden) Helsingør (Port of Elsinore, Denmark) Helsinki (Port of Helsinki) Heraklion (Port of Heraklion, Greece) Holyhead (Holyhead Port Authority) Hong Kong (Maritime and port board) Houston (The Port of Houston Authority - Bayport Cruise Terminal) Humboldt Bay Harbor District (District of the State of California) Huelva (Puerto de Huelva, Spain) Igoumenitsa Port Authority (Greece) Incheon Port Authority (South Korea) Isafjordur Harbour (Iceland) Izmir (Turkey) Jacksonville (The Jacksonville Port Authority) Jamaica Port Authority JSC Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg (Russia) Kalama (Port of Kalama, Columbia River, southwest Washington, USA) Kalundborg Havn (Port of Kalundborg, Denmark) Kaohsiung (Port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd.) Karachi (Karachi Port Trust, Pakistan) Karmsund / Haugesund (Port of Karmsund / Haugesund, Norway) Kavala (Kavala Ports, Greece) Keelung (Port of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd.) Kemi (Port of Kemi, Finland) Kenya Ports Authority Kiel (Port of Kiel) Klaipeda (Port Authority, Lithuania) Klang (Port Klang Authority, Malaysia) Koper (Port of Koper, Slovenia) Kotor (Port of Kotor, Montenegro) Kristiansund & Nordmore (Port of Kristiansund & Nordmore, Norway) Kusadasi (Port of Kusadasi - Turkey) Larnaca Port (Second largest port in Cyprus) Laem Chabang Port (Bangkok, Thailand) Las Palmas (Port Authority of Las Palmas, Canary Island, Spain) La Spezia Port Authority Le Havre (Port of Le Havre, France) Leixoes (Port Authority of Leixoes - Portugal) Lerwick (Port Authority) Levante Port Authority (Autorità Portuale del Levante - Bari, Barletta, Monopoli) Lewiston (Port of Lewiston, Lewis-Clark Valley, Idaho) Lisboa (Porto de Lisbon - Port Authority of Lisbon) Liverpool (Port of) Livorno Port Authority London (Port of London) Londonderry (Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners) Long Beach (Port of Long Beach) Los Angeles (Port Of Los Angeles) Lübeck (Ports of Lübeck) Lyttelton - Port of Christchurch (New Zealand) Madeira (Port Authority of Madeira, Portugal) Madryn (Puerto Madryn, Argentina) Maine Port Authority Málaga (Autoridad Portuaria de Málaga) Malta Maritime Authority Manatee (Port Manatee) Mangalore (New Mangalore Port Trust, Karnataka State in South India) Manta (Terminal Portuario de Manta - Manta Port Authority, Ecuador) Mariehamn (Port of Mariehamn, Åland Islands) Marseille (Port Autonome de Marseille - Port of Marseille, France) Massport - Massachusetts Port Authority (Boston) MPA - Mauritius Ports Authority Melbourne (Port of Melbourne Corp.) Melilla (Puerto de Melilla, Spain) Messina (Port Authority of Messina, Italy) Miami (Port of Miami-Dade - Miami-Dade County web site) Mid West Ports Authority (MWPA) (Geraldton, Western Australia) Milford Haven (Port Authority of) Mykonos Port Authority Mo i Rana Havn (Norway) Molde og Romsdal Havn (Norway) Montreal (Port of Montreal) Mormugao Port Authority (MPA) (India) Motril (Autoridad Portuaria de Motril - Puerto de Motril, Spain) Mukran Port (Sassnitz, Germany) Mulathing (Ports of Mulathing, Iceland: Seydisfjordur, Djupivogur and Borgarfjordur) Mumbai (Mumbai Port Trust) Nagoya Port Authority Naha Port Authority (Japan) Namibian Ports Authority (Port of Walvis Bay and Luderitz) Nanaimo (Nanaimo Port Authority, Canada) Nansha (Port of Nansha, China - Guangzhou Port Group) Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port (France) Napier (Port of Napier, New Zealand) Naples Port Authority Narvik (Port of Narvik, Norway) Nelson (Port Nelson, NZ) Newcastle Port Corporation (Australia) Newcastle (Port of Newcastle, Australia) New York and New Jersey (The Port Authority of ) New South Wales (Port Port Authority of New South Wales, Australia) Nordfjordeid (Port of Nordfjordeid, Norway) North Cape (Ports of North Cape, Norway) Northport (Northport Ltd, Ruakaka - New Zealand) Odesa Sea Port Authority (Ukraine) Oostende (Port of) Orkney Islands Council Harbour Authority (Scotland) Osaka Oslo Port Authority Pago Pago (Port of Pago Pago - American Samoa) Palermo Port Authority Palm Beach (Port of Palm Beach) Panama (Autoridad Marítima de Panamá) Panama Canal Authority Papeete (Port Autonome de Papeete, Tahiti) Patras (Port of Patras, Greece) Patreksfjordur (P o r t o f Patreksfjordur, Norway) Penang Port (Malaysia) Philadelphia Regional Port Authority Philippine Ports Authority Piombino / Elba (Port Authority of Piombino and Elba, Italy) Piraeus Port Authority (Athens) Plymouth (Cattewater Harbour Commissioners) PNA (Ports of Normandy Authority, France, Caen-Ouistreham and Cherbourg) Poole Harbour Commissioners (PHC) Portargentario (Italy) Port Nola (Port of New Orleans) Port of Spain (Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago) Porti di Roma (The Port of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta) Portland (Port of Portland, Oregon) Portland (Port of Portland, Maine Port Authority) Portland (Port of Portland, Australia) Portland (Portland Port, UK) Portofino (Marina di Portofino, Genoa) Portsmouth Port (UK) Ports of Jersey (Channel Islands) Ports North (Cairns and other ports in Australia) PortsToronto Primeport Timaru (New Zealand) Prince Rupert Port Authority (British Columbia) Progreso (Administracion Portuaria Integral de Progreso, Mexico) PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III also known as Pelindo 3) Puerto Rico (Autoridad de los Puertos de Puerto Rico) Quebec Port Authority Ravenna Port Authority Réunion (Port Réunion) Riga (Freeport of Riga Authority) Rijeka (Port of Rijeka Authority, Croatia) Rostock (Port of Rostock) Rønne (The Port of) Runavìk (Port of Runavik, Faroe Islands) Saguenay (The Port of Saguenay, Canada) Saint John Port Authority (Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada) Salalah (Port of Salalah, Oman) San Diego (Port of) San Francisco (Port of) San Francisco's Bryant Street Pier and James R. Herman Int. Cruise Terminal San Pedro - Port of Los Angeles Scrabster Harbour (Scotland) SLASPA - Saint Lucia Air And Sea Ports Authority (Port of Castries) Santa Marta (Sociedad Portuaria de Santa Marta, Colombia) Santander (Santander Port Authority, Spain) Santos (Port of Santos in Brazil) Sardinia Port Authority (Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare di Sardegna, Italy) Saudi Red Sea Authority (SRSA) Savona (Port Authority of Savona Vado) Scrabster (Scrabster Harbour Trust) Sète (Port of) Seydisfjordur (Port of Seydisfjordur, Iceland) Seychelles Port Authority (Port Victoria) Seydisfjordur Port (Iceland) Sept-ėles (Port of Sept-ėles) Sevilla (Port of Sevilla, Spain) Shanghai Port International Shannon Foynes Port Company (The estuarial port authority with responsibility for the entire Shannon Estuary, Ireland) Shenzhen Port (China) Shimonoseki Port (Japan) Sibenik (Port of Sibenik Authority, Croatia) Sines (Administração dos Portos de Sines e do Algarve, Portugal) Singapore (Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore) Skagen (Port of Skagen, Denmark) Sochi (Commercial Sea Port of Sochi, Russia) Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA, Port of Honiara and Port of Noro) Souda Port (Crete, Greece) South Carolina Ports Southern Ports Authority (Ports of Albany, Bunbury and Esperance in Australia) Sri Lanka Ports Authority Sydney (Port of Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada) Sydney Ports Corporation (Australia) Southampton (Port of Southampton) Split Port Authority St. John's (Port of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador) St. Maarten (Port of St. Maarten) St. Petersburg Port Authority Stavanger (Stavanger Port Authority - Norway) Stockholm (The Ports of Stockholm Group) Stornoway (Stornoway Port Authority, Scotland) St. Vincent and The Grenadines Port Authority Szczecin and Swinoujscie (Poland) Suez Canal Authority Sultan Qaboos (Port Sultan Qaboos, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman) Sunderland (Port of Sunderland, UK) Taiwan International Ports Corp. (TIPC) Tallinn (Port of Tallin) Tampa Port Authority (Port Tampa Bay) Tampico (Administración Portuaria Integral de Tampico, Mexico) Taranaki (Port Taranaki, New Zealand) Taranto (Port of Taranto, Italy) Tarragona (Port de Tarragona) Tauranga (Port of Tauranga, New Zealand) Tenerife (Port Authority of Tenerife) Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. (ThPA - Greece) Tórshavn (Port of Tórshavn)Tokyo Port Terminal Corporation (Harumi passenger ship terminal) Tonga (Ports Authority Tonga) Townsville Port Authority (North Queensland, Australia) Trabzon Port (Port of Trabzon, Turkey) Transnet National Ports Authority (South Africa) Trapani (Port of Trapani, Italy) Tromsø Havn (Port of Tromsø, Norway) Trondheim Havn (Trondheim Port Authority, Norway) Turks and Caicos Islands Port Authority Turku (Port of Turku) Tyne (Port of Tyne Authority) Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) Unalaska Marine Center (UMC) and the USCG Dock Uruguay National Ports Administration (ANP) (Puerto de Montevideo) Ushuaia (Puerto Ushuaia, Argentina) USVI Cruise Ship Activities Office (Ships in the U.S. Virgin Islands) Vágur (Faroe Islands, Port of Vágur) Valencia Port Vallarta (API Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) Vancouver (Port Metro Vancouver) Varna (Port of Varna, Bulgary) Ventspils (Freeport of Ventspils, Latvia) Viana do Castelo (Port of Viana do Castelo - Portugal) Victoria BC, Canada (Greater Victoria Harbour Authority - CTCI, Cruise Tourism Community Initiative) Vigo (Puerto de Vigo, Spain) Virgin Islands Port Authority (St. Croix, St. Thomas & St. John, United States Virgin Islands) Virginia (The Port of Virginia - Virginia Port Authority) Visby (Port of) Vladivostok (Commercial Port of Vladivostok, Russia) Volos (Port of Volos) Vukovar (Port Authority - Croatia, Danube River) Walvis Bay (Namibia's main port) Warrenpoint Harbour / Warrenpoint Port (UK) Waterford (Port of Waterford, Ireland) Wismar Seaport - Seehafen Wismar GmbH (Germany) Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners Yokohama-Kawasaki International Port (Yokohama Kawasaki International Port Corporation, Japan) Ystad Zadar Port Authority (Croatia) Zante - Port Zante (Cruise Port and Marina Complex in St. Kitts) Zeebrugge (Port of Zeebrugge, Belgium) Zeeland (Port of Zeeland, Holland) Other different Adriatic Ports Cultural Network Africa Ports & Ships AIVP - The worlwide network of port cities AIVP World Conferences Cities & Ports (By the International Association of Port Cities) Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators All Cruise Hotels (Cruise port hotels near terminal) All Cruise Ports APTS - Airport, Port and Terminal Security (Conference and exhibition) Baltic Ports Organization (To monitor and improve the possibilities for shipping in the Baltic Sea region) Cruise - Newcastle UK (An independent website) Cruise Port Advisor (Source for cruise port/terminal information, park and cruise and fly and cruise hotel packages, transportation, ecc.) Cruise Black Sea (Unofficial site to develop cruise navigation on the Black Sea) Cruise Ports & Destinations Magazine Cruise Port Hotels (Find hotels near cruise ports worldwide) CruisePortInsider.com (Coverage of Mexican Riviera, Caribbean and Alaska cruise ports) CruisePortWiki (A guide to major cruise ports around the world) Cruise Venice Cruising From New York Danube Sales Manual (Informations about ports along the Danube) e-Cruise Port Guides Environmental Port Index (EPI) (Several Norwegian ports and supported by DNV) ESPO - European Sea Ports Organisation Falmouth Cruise Ship Ambassadors (FCSA, Falmouth, UK) FCCA - Florida Caribbean Cruise Association Florida Ports Council GreenPort Hamburg Cruise Days International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) (2017 Conference, Bali, Indonesia) IAPH - International Association of Ports and Harbors IQCruising (Port guides and reviews) Metro Ports (Terminal operator) Miami Cruise Month (Pre and post cruise Miami. Returns January 2018.) NAPA - North Adriatic Ports Association NorthEast Cruise Guide NYCruiseInfo.com and CruisesNYC.com Olden (Port of Olden, Norway. Unofficial site) Peel Ports Group (Port logistic solutions, UK) Philadelphia Cruise Guide Piraues (Piraeus Port, Greek site) Port Everglades Cruises Port Management Association of the Caribbean Port-Net (Promoting interregional co-operation of ports and multi-modal transport structures in the EU) PortReviews.com (A source for information about cruise ports) Ports America (Terminal operator in the United States) PortSEurope (Port news & information – the Mediterranean, Caspian & Black Seas) Puertos del Estado (Spanish ports, Government site) Seaports of the Americas (Georgia Ports Authority Ports Guide & Directory) SecurePort (Conference and trade exhibition) SouthernCruising.com (Coverage of cruising from southern U.S. ports) Tampa Port Ministries (To meet the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers and others at Port of Tampa) The British Ports Association The Caribbean is Open (By the FCCA, the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association) UK Ports (Guide by Compass Handbooks Ltd) Whatsinport.com (Your guide to 1200 cruise ports of call) World Ship Society - Port of New York Branch